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Slow Sales & Negative Comments.

Slow book sales is something I expected from the word go and I know at some point when my catalog gets bigger sales will pick up once I prove myself as a writer. I never expected huge sales right away. That doesn't happen too often I imagine. I have four books available on Amazon and 3 stories up on that are doing well in terms of readers which I'm very happy with. I love posting there even though I'm not able to get paid for those stories. I put them there for people to enjoy and hope to build a fanbase via that platform. With a limited number of stories I understand that it's difficult for readers to know who I am as a writer and if I have the chops for this. I usually only write a couple different kinks on literotica. Mostly Exhibitionist and Voyeurism. They are what I'm into mostly and I sprinkle in other things like Anal and 3 ways from time to time.

One thing I've learned in my writing is that I try to use as many different words for cocks and pussies in my stories. I had someone say that they didn't like the use of the work cock in my story Lexi. I laughed at the comment because I use the work Cock way more then dick, penis, stiffy, hard on etc.

This brings me to the second part of this blog negative comments on my work. I received two negative comments about my latest story titled Movie Night. Basically these two readers felt it was rushed and I was in a hurry to get to the sex. Well that's why they call it Flash fiction there is no build up it's meant to get right into the wet stuff doesn't have a flash fiction section which would be helpful for us writers who don't want to put our longer stories on there. I write alot of Flash fiction for the site and save my longer stuff for people who are on my mailing list (Who get free stories sent to their e-mail as well as links to by my books before I promote them online.) As well as the good people who visit the site I post website exclusive stories.

I figured it out as of this writing 3,837 people have read Movie Night and two bad reviews which totals out to .052% of readers didn't like it. After I figured that out I stopped worrying about the bad comments. I welcome all comments and I love to interact with my readers as much as I possibly can. Without you I wouldn't be able to tell my stories and sell books.

That's all I've got for now folks, Happy Reading Everybody!

- JL

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